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The Speak-a-Book™ Method

“Author a book in less time than it takes to watch a movie”

Most of our clients had known for years that they needed to write a book. They
just didn’t know where to start – or, indeed, where to find the time.

After all, it can take anywhere from 100 to 1,000 hours to write a book yourself.
This is a gargantuan undertaking for anybody, let alone a professional practitioner. It
can very quickly take over your entire life and, crucially, compromise your ability to
help clients or patients. This is why ghostwriters charge $19,000 to $35,000 in fees
to take it off your hands. (We emailed about half a dozen and asked for quotes.)

However, we have developed a more realistic way to author a book.

It is not as expensive as hiring a ghostwriter. It requires just a fraction of the time
that you would spend briefing them. Most importantly, it is considered more ethical,
since the ideas and the words that go into the book are 100% your own.

We call this unique process the Speak-a-Book™ method.

It uses 2-3 hours of focused and carefully planned interviews to “extract” your
book’s content from your head and get it down onto paper in a raw form. Then, a
team of editors reviews the content, rearranges it into a more coherent structure,
transforms your speech into written copy, and, thus, turns it into a manuscript.

After you have reviewed the manuscript – and, if you require, provided any
modifications or edits – we transform the manuscript into a professional-looking
book, register an official ISBN number, and publish it on multiple platforms.

The result is a ~100-page book that is:

  • Published on Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble
  • More powerful than any of the business cards your competitors hand out
    to potential clients and patients (and provides genuine value too)
  • Positions you as a bona fide published author

Do you want to discover more about our proprietary Speak-a-Book™ method?

If so, click the button below to learn more about the process, meet some of our
published authors, and request a complimentary information pack and sample book.


Author Testimonials

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Request a Complimentary Sample Book

Do you want to see a sample book?

Do you want to hold a physical copy in your hands – so you can
inspect it, flick through the pages, and see if it is the kind of book you
would feel comfortable handing out to clients, patients, and peers?

Do you want to learn more about the five steps of the Speak-a-Book™
method, project fees, and how to apply to become our next author?

Do you want to see how our other authors – attorneys, dentists, and
other respected professionals – leverage their book to attract more of
the clients they want, differentiate their practice from competitors (so
they can charge premium fees), and protect their staff and livelihood
from desperate competitors who cut prices to the bone?

Click the button on the right, enter your profession, your practice area
or specialty, and your address details. We will send you one or two
sample books, along with a Speak-a-Book™ information pack.

Request a Complimentary Sample Book

(100% complimentary. No credit card required.)

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