You’ll hear people say, “I shouldn’t have gotten out of bed this morning.” This reflects the negative thinking that just draws more and more to it. As one can see, there are many people who have used gratitude in their own lives and attest to how powerful and healing it can be. From Aesop to Oprah Winfrey, the power of gratitude has transformed lives and healed relationships. Gratitude is defined as the quality of being grateful; readiness to show appreciation for and return kindness. Basically, gratitude is seeing what is good in life and the goodness in others. The flip side is being resentful and seeing what’s wrong in life, not what’s right. And no matter which way we choose to look, there will be plenty to be found of both.
Addiction – particularly substance addiction, in which the chemical makeup of your brain gets disrupted – is inherently negative in nature. It provokes negative feelings of anger, anxiety, pain, depression, and low self-worth. The Importance of Gratitude in Recovery More than likely, when you were addicted, you were thinking only of yourself, rather than those around you. Addiction strips away all the good things in life; health, happiness, contentment … you name it.
Often they live in constant fear about numerous issues, they feel they’ve been given a poor lot in life and they cry out in anger about why they have been forsaken. Entering into recovery, addicts and alcoholics are directed to a healthier and more positive outlook. Through good quality, comprehensive treatment and often direction through spiritual action, these people change their thinking and their actions to cultivate a more grateful outlook towards their lives. This positive outlook is something that is important to be sustained long term in order for someone in recovery to continue their journey or healing and growth in order to stay clean and sober.
Inflammation is a major risk factor in the progression of heart disease and keeping it low is crucial for heart health as well as other dimensions of physical and mental health. These typically include issues like major depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, ADHD, PTSD, personality disorders, autism spectrum disorders, and schizophrenia.
Is it possible to find peace and happiness when a loved one is addicted? Keep going to AA, NA or other support meetings; keep reading the Big Book or other sources of perennial wisdom and keep on the road to happiness. The transition from addiction to recovery isn’t overnight, and the benefits don’t come all at once. But now that we deliberately manifest gratitude, we see the best qualities in any given moment, person and situation, and it creates a positive feedback loop where we draw out the best in others. We counterbalance our goals, dreams and desires with ‘haves,’ and we understand that whatever material object we lack will not remarkably change our lives—with gratitude, we already have what we need.
” Maybe your counselor, sponsor, or friend who is also in recovery recommended that you create a gratitude list. The spiritual aspect of recovery is a little harder to pin down. The 12 steps emphasize the importance of a searching moral inventory, as well as making amends, finding social connection, and volunteering.
Suffering from a substance use disorder can cause you to do things you aren’t proud of. Many people experience shame and guilt regarding their addiction. However, a substance use disorder is a disease, it’s often the result of choices you made, but choices you made without the intention to become addicted. You may have made mistakes, but you are trying and you are in recovery and getting better. Recognizing that and working to forgive yourself is an important step. At the same time, you should work to both forgive others who may have made things worse for you or said harsh things while you were addicted and work to reach closure with them. One of the biggest threats to being happy with what you have and being grateful for what you have is consistently trying to measure yourself against a standard of perfection.
When people are grateful for what they have, they will experience a great deal of happiness. When beginning your new life after recovery, changing the way you view the world can be a way to help you along that process. Part of this transformation involves incorporating gratitude into your daily routine. Being grateful for the blessings in your life, whether large or small, helps cultivate a humble, appreciative attitude. Certainly, after Day One, you should be able to work with greater attentiveness and clarity than before starting treatment. The transition from addictive substance to Buprenorphine is usually painless and most patients experience no adverse physical effects. In fact, most say that they feel normal again like they were never on drugs at all.
One of the quickest ways to get in touch with gratitude is to help people in recovery who aren’t as far along in the recovery process. During active addiction, we may have taken friends and family for granted or overlooked the simple pleasures in life. And when we looked for the worst qualities in every situation, we created a self-fulfilling prophecy of negativity. RecoveryGo virtual outpatient addiction and mental health treatment directly to you.
"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." "And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful."
No matter what you’re doing with your life, it’s also important that you take the time to create space and moments for yourself to just relax and do things that make you happy without drugs or alcohol. For example, you can spend time with friends, go swimming, go for hikes, go see your favorite movies, get a massage, or anything else that makes you happy. Here, it’s always good if you have hobbies that you truly enjoy, and if you don’t, you can always work on developing some. Taking time out from your busy life will give you perspective, time to take stock and see what you have, and room to enjoy your life.
Personally, when I’m writing a ‘Thank You’ card, I get the warm and fuzzies. Gratitude lists are one of the most powerful ways to remain in gratitude.