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Rhonda Telford Naidu, Esq.

Rhonda Telford Naidu, Esq.

Rhonda Telford Naidu, Esq.
(Oklahoma City, OK)

Family Law

Family law is my primary practice, and within that, my forte is working with families with children and figuring out the best legal solutions for each situation. I also take cases involving paternity, parentage, and other custody-related matters. Cases are not numbers to me; they are people. So, I am constantly looking for ways to serve my individual clients.

My primary goal is to provide my clients with innovative solutions to their legal problems. My secondary goal is to provide legal services in a holistic manner. I do this by helping my clients craft an imagined reality for themselves – to see that they have a purpose that exceeds their current condition. It is important for my clients to look at their impending situation not as the end, but as the beginning of an abundant life. I understand that I am in a unique position to make a difference in your life at possibly your most difficult time.

Rhonda Telford Naidu, Esq.

Rhonda Telford Naidu, Esq.
(Oklahoma City, OK)

Family Law

A Handbook of Oklahoma Family Law
Published Date: Aug 2023
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A Handbook of Oklahoma Family Law

Useful Information on How to Protect Your Divorce Rights and Your Children

This book is for people whose marriage is not going well and who believe that now is the time to end things with their spouse. Divorce is one of the difficult phases of life when you need someone to count on and fight for you. You may also find yourself with insufficient information that is necessary to navigate the whole process. This book is a step-by-step guide on how to navigate the divorce procedure in Oklahoma. I have explained in this book how you should prepare for divorce, the procedure you have to follow, how the alimony and child custody are determined, as well as how an experienced divorce attorney can help you win your case.

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