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Craig Voorhees

Craig Voorhees

Workers compensation Attorney
(Somerville, NJ)

Voorhees Law Offices LLC

I have been a workers’ compensation practitioner for over 20 years. My practice is based in central New Jersey and I solely represent injured workers. I’ve prosecuted hundreds of workers’ compensation claims and have developed special skills and knowledge in the area of workers’ compensation law. I have a solid background and a good familiarity with the judges, the courts, and the system to provide sound advice and effective representation.

Craig Voorhees

Workers compensation Attorney
(Somerville, NJ)

Voorhees Law Offices LLC

New Jersey Workers’ Compensation: What Injured Workers Need To Know
Published Date: Jan 2021
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New Jersey Workers’ Compensation: What Injured Workers Need To Know

This book is for the injured worker. I just wanted to provide some answers to some of the most frequently asked questions that arise in the mind of someone who has suffered a work injury. It is intended to answer those questions and provide guidance for those who have been injured at work and tell them what they should expect in the aftermath of a work-related injury.

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