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Christopher Cauble

Christopher Cauble

Civil Litigation Attorney
(Grants Pass, OR)

Cauble Cauble Sevlig

Christopher Cauble’s practice is located in a medium sized Oregon town, but his firm handles cases all over the state of Oregon regarding various types of litigation, in both Federal and State courts. He frequently associates with out-of-state law firms. He knows ins and outs of litigating in this state. His firm has been a fixture in Southern Oregon for over 50 years and is well known throughout the state for providing excellent legal services. Chris also does various types of transactional work, including estates and estate planning. He has a large and professional staff available to support his law firm and help the clients with their needs. He is lucky to live in a beautiful part of the Country and be able to translate his hard work ethic into results for his clients.

Christopher Cauble

Civil Litigation Attorney
(Grants Pass, OR)

Cauble Cauble Sevlig

Estate Planning Explained Simply and Done Right
Published Date: Nov 2018
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Estate Planning Explained Simply and Done Right

This book is designed to provide information on estate planning in a simple to understand and comprehensive process. My firm has been doing estate planning for generations, and we have done work with all kinds of estates. I have also litigated estate matters, such as will contests and trust disputes. This gives me a good view as to what works and what does not work in estate plans, as well as pitfalls to avoid.

I hope that you enjoy this book and find it informative. Estate planning can be a difficult process and, hopefully, those who read this book will come away with a better understanding.

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