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Brian Manchester

Brian Manchester

Criminal Defense Attorney
(Bellefonte, PA)

Manchester & Associates

Attorney Brian Manchester has 16 years of experience handling cases in federal and state courts. He is the owner of Manchester & Associates. Brian learned a long time ago that merely learning the law is not enough. To be an effective criminal defense lawyer you have to learn many different things to be persuasive in the courtroom. An aggressive and effective criminal defense lawyer must constantly train on topics like picking a jury. How people make decisions (the psychology of decision making). How to present your case effectively to judges and juries. How to properly cross-examine witnesses. How to effectively deal with government experts and especially to understand the different forensic science evidence the government will introduce in cases and how to negate its effects on juries and judges. To gain all of this expertise Brian constantly travels across the country for training in these varied subjects. Brian himself is a national and state wide lecturer on criminal defense and bail related topics. Brian is also one of less than 50 American Chemical Society Certified Lawyer-Scientists in the entire country plus he belongs to several national scientific and defense related organizations.

Brian Manchester

Criminal Defense Attorney
(Bellefonte, PA)

Manchester & Associates

Effective Criminal Defense: Overview Of The Bail Process And Criminal Justice System In Pennsylvania
Published Date: Jun 2016
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Effective Criminal Defense: Overview Of The Bail Process And Criminal Justice System In Pennsylvania

This book deals with various aspects of criminal defense in Pennsylvania. It explains how the court process works after someone is arrested on charge of a crime. First thing that happens is you are arraigned. When you are arraigned, the charges are read to you. It is not guilt or innocence. The magistrate tells you what you are charged with and then they set bail. Next thing, you are given is a court date for the preliminary hearing. That is the first appearance where there is a hearing to determine if there is enough evidence for the charges to move forward. The burden of proof is much less than beyond reasonable doubt. Some people waive their preliminary hearing, which means they agree that there is enough evidence to go forward, but they still plead not guilty.

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