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Mon-Fri: 8am - 8pm

Most attorneys develop their client base within a twenty-mile circle from their location. Owner of RJR Media Magic and friend of Richard, Ron Sheetz, explains a great way to get free publicity within that local circle. He’s developed a stellar system for bringing in news coverage that will bring positive publicity to your practice. Furthermore, Richard and Ron have combined efforts with a guaranteed offer by merging Don’s services with Speakeasy Marketing, Inc.’s Speak a Book program.

Ron explains how he has been able to get clients free news coverage, from television spots to radio and newspaper, of positive personal interest stories. For example, one news outlet covered a client’s fundraiser. Another news spot covered a big donation a client made to March of Dimes, a story that held personal interest because the owner’s child had benefited from the charity. Ron starts with a personal connection and goes from there.

Ron and Richard are offering an exciting guaranteed deal through the Speak a Book program that includes a price break from Ron coupled with a guarantee of a specified amount of free media attention.

Listen to learn more! Call us at (888) 225-8594, email rj@speakeasymarketinginc.com, or find us at speakeasymarketinginc.com to ask about this deal or share any other questions or thoughts you have.

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