People often buy insurance on the internet or through someone from an 800 number but they don’t always have an understanding of what they should actually buy. They tend to just look at the price and think they are getting the best deal. In many instances they eliminate a lot of coverage from their insurance that they could have had at a slightly extra cost or maybe at no cost, so then even in case of a simple accident, they may find out they did not have enough coverage.
This book will give you useful information about the amount of insurance you should buy, the type of policy you should consider, how long you will need that particular policy, and what would be its purpose, whether it would be protecting your family or protecting your assets, or if there was a tax benefit to it as well. All this would be explained in this book. When talking about life insurance, retirement would also come in place, so that would also need to go into the estate planning. Life insurance plays a big role in estate planning as well.