Complimentary Special Report

Why Authoring a Book and Getting It Published Helps You Attract More of the Clients You Want… Differentiate Your Law Firm from Competitors (so You Can Command Premium-Level Fees)… and Protect Your Staff and Livelihood from Desperate Attorneys Who Cut Prices to the Bone.

Inside this special report:

  • The state of the legal profession – and why attorneys who fail to differentiate their practices are at the mercy of commoditization (pp.7-9)
  • Six book ideas for solo attorneys and small law firms (pp.9-11)
  • Is it really possible to author your own book, without writing so much as a single word... in less time than it takes to watch a movie? (p.11)
  • 15 marketing strategies that our clients use to leverage their new book, as well as their new status as a published author (pp.11-13)
  • The five stages of our proprietary Speak-a-Book™ process (pp.14-15)
  • Next Step: Get the ball rolling on your new book, without committing a single dime until you have seen and approved an the conceptual outline (p.17)

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